About the Club

Glenrothes Strollers
Is an award winning community football club and local charity. In 2011 we were recognised by the Scottish FA, Sports Scotland, The Sunday Mail and MacDonalds as the BEST Community Football Club in Scotland.
This recognition is because we involve all parts of our local community. We have fun football sessions for 4-6 year olds, then groups of kids at every age group playing small sided football in line with SFA guidelines, up to 12 year old. We then have full 11-a-side teams at every age group through to under 19s. We also have a young adult amateur team. On top of this we have girls football teams at 4 age groups and a special section for kids / youths with a range of disabilities.(now over 40 players in this group). In total we have over 500 of our local community, kids, youths, boys, girls and young adults involved in community football activities.
We are run completely by volunteers, over 50 of us, and we do lots to engage with the local community. Through our Active Schools coordinators, we are delivering football sessions at all of our local primary schools. We also support low risk offenders to integrate back into their community. Working with Fife Council Social Work and Justice dept.
We have offenders complete their Community Payback hours as football coaches, working alongside volunteers. Truly a lifechanging experience for them. Through the ‘Sport to Work’ programme, we help young unemployed people to make themselves more employable. During school holiday periods we offer local kids a school holiday football camp. This gives local families access to low cost, safe and fun childcare.
We deliver all of these services from our own 16 acre park in Glenrothes where we have 9 football pitches that we maintain ourselves. After 5 years of fundraising, we finally completed the construction of our community sports pavilion which opened in January 2017. A huge thank you to all of our very generous funders, sponsors, donators and fundraisers.
Also under the umbrella of the club are Glenrothes Strollers Girls who were established in 2010 and have been improving each year since. Their age groups range from Under 9’s; Under 11’s; and Under 13’s who all play in the Fife/Perth league of the SWF, see their site at - www.glenrothesstrollersgirls.org.uk and on Twitter - @strollersgirls.